They went to Dholakpur forest deep inside. Dholu and Bholu went with Bheem and seeing that, Kalia joined them. Kanha was in Bheem`s side and Chutki and Jaggu too. Raju and Bheem were determined to go for finding more facts on this. Raja Indraverma said- We will be prepared for them, while you can go and play. The next morning they went out to the desert where the had often battled with their army. Kanha said-” We have to be prepared Bheem.” and slept off. He stared at Kanha with widened eyes wondering if it was a joke. I feel that Kirmada is going to come back.” Bheem nearly fell out of the thought of good sleep. Krishna told-” Bheem, strange thoughts are going through my mind. Kirmada looked like a monster going to kill everyone. He tried to sleep, but in vain. He could see the people of Earth running panic-stricken with fear. When he was in deep sleep, he had a dream that Shaitaan was laughing evilly, with Kirmada for company.

Meanwhile, Kanha settled down in Bheem`s home. Kirmada bowed down until his head touched his knees, gratefully. you will have the most supernatural powers! When you get them the dead men and the corpses which you had taken control of earlier, will become alive! Attack your enemy`s kingdom and fulfill your desire. You will have to stop the sun from coming back to its normal place. According to my astrology, there will be a solar and lunar eclipse at the same time in an auspicious hour in the phase of Karthikam, At that time i will transform you to your normal form. listen now : There is soon going to be a lot of changes in the orbit of the planets. I will have to give you more powers when i think you have enough! Well…. guruu`s help iis neeedeedd…… ” The guru of Kirmada`s eyes shone with blood. Kirmada`s spirit, though scared of asking Shaitaan any more help, went to him anyway. But deep inside the earth, things were going to be bad soon………. He is excited that the others are together again. He used his powers to find out where the others were hiding. Bheem hugs him and tells him to play hide-seek with them. Bheem said-“I have been waiting for ages Chutki, and still there is no sign of Kanha.” “Unless you find him here!” said a naughty voice behind a tree.” Kanha!” everyone exclaimed! Kanha pops out from a nearby tree smiling. Raja Indraverma keeps them busy by asking them to play with Indumati.

Bheem and his team await their friend Kanha`s visit. This is my story on the third time Kirmada is defeated. Have you heard of Kirmada? Kirmada is an evil demon who plans to take over the earth. Kirmada`s spirit leaves the body and is thrown out of earth by Bheem. Few children should have seen ‘Chhota bheem and Krishna – Pataliputra’ When Kirmada`s body rises up and disappears and dissolves into dust. Hello everyone! As you know you have seen ‘ The rise of Kirmada’ in Pogo, i would like to make my own story on it.