After you are finished with replacing the music you wish to use in-game, delete all the other. ogg file format (I personally use 4k video downloader to download and convert in one go but there are several tools)

Download a song you wish to replace it with in. Look up their names on YouTube, for example in case of records "Minecraft 11.ogg" then you can listen which song it is Open the assets folder then go to >minecraft>sounds>music or records depending which one you want to change Just zip it when you've replaced the music you wish to use.The files are hollow thus small file size is expected.Everything is in their respective place signifying what music it is.I can only hope Mojang won't change the system with the upcoming updates and all I'll have to do is to add a few other files to the template. Today I spent 3 hours just to double check and make sure that I created a well working template pack for custom music thus all I have to do is replace the empty/hollow files inside and zip it to make a new resource pack. It always bothered me how I never found an easy to use template pack so when I take a break I won't have to look at Mojang's changed game indexes, search the hash codes one by one in notepad to see whether or not my previous music pack is still useable or the devs completely changed the system. For 10 years I've been making resource packs that change the game's music according to my mood, my current play and game style or for a specific theme/meme.